
Lockdown 3.0 – Government Classified India in three Zones, Red, Orange Green.

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Lockdown 3.0Government Classified India in three Zones, Red, Orange Green.


Before enters in lockdown 3.0 Centre Government has classified the whole country district in three zones, Red, Orange, and Green. The Red, Orange, and Green lockdown zones will have varying levels of restrictions aimed at containing the spread of the novel coronavirus.

733 districts of India will be broadly divided into Red Zones, Orange Zones, and Green Zones. This Zone classification is dynamic and will be revised every week.

The zone classification will determine the kind of restrictions placed on the movement of people and the supply of goods in a district. Before going on the list of the district-wise zones, we need to get your attention on following zones wise restrictions.

All Air and train travel, inter-state bus transport, metro, and local trains, and inter-state movement of people is still prohibited across the country, except for medical and security purposes. All educational institutions, hotels, movie theaters, malls, gyms, swimming pools, and bars will remain shut. Religious and social gatherings are still banned.

Entry and exit of people will be restricted in containment areas. Movement of people will only be allowed for the supply of essential goods and services. Almost everything will remain shut.

In Red Zones:- Cycle and auto-rickshaws, taxis and cabs, public transport, barbershops, spas, and salons will remain shut. Four-wheelers with a driver and two passengers and two-wheelers without pillion riders will be allowed. Offices can open with a third of the staff. E-commerce will be allowed for essential services and all standalone shops, including liquor stores, will be allowed to be open.

Orange Zone:- Four wheelers, including taxis, with one driver and two passengers will be allowed. Buses will not be allowed. Liquor stores will be allowed to open and e-commerce will be allowed for both essential and non-essential items.

Green Zones:- All activities except those prohibited nationwide will be allowed. Buses can operate at 50 percent capacity.

Here are the district’s wise zone details.

Andaman and Nicobar Islands

South AndamansRed Zone
NicobarsGreen Zone
North And Middle AndamanGreen Zone

Andhra Pradesh

KurnoolRed Zone
GunturRed Zone
KrishnaRed Zone
ChittoorRed Zone
Spsr NelloreRed Zone
West GodavariOrange Zone
Y.S.R.Orange Zone
AnantapurOrange Zone
PrakasamOrange Zone
East GodavariOrange Zone
SrikakulamOrange Zone
VisakhapatanamOrange Zone
VizianagaramGreen Zone