Popular Shows of Netflix and Amazon Prime

Popular Shows of Netflix and Amazon Prime:- It’s a long weekend. Typically, you’d be out with your friends, at a bar or a house party. Come Monday, you’d probably go over to a friend’s place for an eid lunch or host one yourself. In another lifetime some of us would’ve headed out for a getaway to a beautiful resort or visited family.
But that’s all in the past now. Here we are, locked down and with nowhere to go. So it seems apt that with the long weekend ahead of us, we pick out ten of our favorite shows on Netflix and Amazon Prime that you can complete watching – from start to finish – over the course of this long weekend.
Ricky Gervais’ series about a man grieving for his dead wife is heartbreaking to watch but also, simultaneously (and somehow paradoxically), heart-warming and fuzzy. Gervais’ turn as a widower as he makes his way through life with a single-minded determination to say whatever the hell he pleases, is brilliant and also, in a strange way, funny.
Fleabag (Netflix)
The cultural phenomenon that made Phoebe Waller-Bridge a global star and icon is also a show you can complete over the course of this weekend. The flawed, messy, and unfiltered protagonist presents a gritty and real picture of the modern-day metropolis that’s a far cry from the soft-focus, fairy-tale view of typical romantic comedy movies.
Crashing ( Netflix)
Before she created Fleabag, Phoebe Waller-Bridge created, wrote and acted in what may be one of the most underrated shows of her career. Crashing is Waller-Bridge’s first show and where you can see her flashes of genius that come to a full blossom in Fleabag. The show follows the life of six 20-somethings who are living in an abandoned hospital as property guardians in exchange for cheap rent.
The Umbrella Academy (Netflix)
This mind-bending show is based on a series of comic books that trace the lives of six children with extraordinary powers who are adopted by an eccentric billionaire with the intention of turning them into superheroes. 17 years later, the estranged children reunite for a rather messed-up funeral and a potential apocalypse that is just a little over a week away. Sharp, trippy, and absolutely brilliant, The Umbrella Academy is a great show to watch and complete over a weekend.
Man Like Mobeen (Netflix)
The British comic Guz Khan stars in this funny and heart-warming tale of a guy trying to be a good Muslim, lead a good life, and help his younger sister meet her full potential while trying to outrun his criminal past that he tries hard to leave behind.